Sick And Twisted Joker Gamer Holds Down Sick And Twisted 9-To-5 Job Developing Accounting Software

Local gamer Arnold Plunt, famous in his friend group for his extremely twisted sense of humour and the Joker avatar he settled on at 13 and has seen no reason to revisit, today apologised to police after he was pulled over for failing to indicate at an intersection.
The clearly shaken Plunt, who slays noobs each night on Call of Duty under the handle DarkJoker86, channelled the anarchic murderous energy of his comic book hero when he told the officer that he would “be more careful next time.”
Plunt then continued his drive to work at just under the speed limit and settled in for a day of developing on the suite of accounting software used by several multi-billion-dollar consultancy firms.
Recounting the incident later to his colleagues on over an expensive lunch at a local Thai place, Plunt was heard to exaggerate several details, adding another police car, some sirens, and changing the police officer to an attractive woman who “was clearly thinking about detaining me, if you know what I mean.”
Pleasingly, Plunt’s friends agreed that the entire scenario was “just epic,” and “seriously twisted,” likening him to a ‘Dark Prince of Crime’.
“What really appeals to me about the Joker is that he just doesn’t take shit from anyone… he just sees the world for what it is and he’s not afraid to open society’s eyes to the truth,” Plunt told Point & Clickbait as he handed back excess change that the cashier at the convenience store mistakenly gave him a few days ago.
“I really see myself in that. You scratch the surface of a gamer like me and you find the Joker there, just ready to rise up. It could really happen at any time,” he explained. “He’s the ultimate gamer. He’s just like all of us, especially when we get angry! Who knows what might come out of our mouths… maybe even the n-word!”
“Probably not though,” he added, chuckling nervously.