Game Marketing Team Hopeful At Least One Person Will Use Their Hashtag

An optimistic game marketing team are relaxing with a well-earned glass of champagne today, following the launch of a major title with a custom hashtag that “hopefully at least one person will actually use”.
The hashtag, which took two weeks and seven people to create, was carefully crafted so as to evoke the epic blockbuster feel of the game while also being catchy and memorable, the sort of thing that players would naturally use in casual conversation.
“When we came up with #itstimetodiscovertheheroinsideyou, we knew that we were onto a winner,” explained Greg Lenson, an excited Engagement Scrutineer.
Point & Clickbait understands that the team were overjoyed to receive a solitary hit almost instantly on their social searches, but Lenson reluctantly confirmed that it was a false positive generated by their own initial post.
“Never mind. I’m sure somebody will want to be a part of this amazing experience soon,” continued Lenson, refilling his glass.
“How could they not?”