Editorial: How Can Games Journalists Say They Love Diversity, When They Won’t Publish My Essay On Why Poor People Should Be Euthanised?

I’m just like every other gamer – I live and breathe video games. Like the t-shirt says, I eat, I sleep, and I game. So naturally, you’d think that, as a gamer, my thoughts and feelings would be reflected in gaming’s mainstream media. Yet for some reason, when I open websites like Kotaku, Polygon, or IGN… my viewpoint is not represented.
What’s my shameful secret? What is it that the games media is so keen to suppress? Well it’s quite simple, really – I think that everyone who is poor should be euthanised, ground up into a paste, and then fed to the rich.
Games journalists have their opinions, and I have mine. They believe in celebrating diversity and inclusiveness, and they eagerly publish editorials about the need for accepting minority groups and supporting oppressed peoples. The only difference between them and me is that my editorials are about the protein values we can realise from eating people who earn under $50,000 a year – and for that, I am a pariah.
So why won’t the games media listen to people like me? Is it because I look outside the echo chamber, because I refuse to bow to conventional wisdom? Because I’m willing to consider an innovative solution to Silicon Valley’s homelessness problem?
Simply because of my right-wing, libertarian point of view, I am shunned and ignored. I’ve tried hundreds times to have my voice included in games journalism’s major mastheads, but all of my pitches have been rejected. “How The Last Of Us Shows A World Without Taxation Is Possible” – rejected. “Mass Effect Andromeda’s Development Hell Reflects The Urgent Need To Remove Cumbersome Restrictions On Child Labor” – rejected.
Even something as innocuous as “Mario Kart’s Unregulated Speed And Weaponry Are An Ideal Blueprint For America’s Traffic System” – rejected, rejected, rejected.
Now, let me be clear before anyone accuses me of being a bigot. Diversity of skin colour, diversity of sexual orientation, diversity of gender identity… these are wonderful things. I support them, and I will continue to support them unless it inconveniences me personally. But the bigger issue here is that games journalism is simply missing out.
Without my input, there is simply no way to know what someone who plays video games thinks about feminism. Has it gone too far? We may never know, because nobody has thought to ask me.
There’s so much to gain from hearing these kind of alternative viewpoints. What if people who can’t afford medicine should just die? What if exterminating people based on their skin colour was a valid ethical position that people with enormous brains like me should debate and engage with?
This is the kind of content that gamers are crying out for. But these are all things games journalists will never understand, because they are too afraid to experience real inclusiveness.
I’ve spent hundreds of hours in the chat lobbies of major online games, trying to find a single person who has a negative opinion of homosexual people. But because of games journalists indoctrinating everyone with their progressive agenda, all of these online interactions are nothing but wholesome and pure – not a single slur to be seen.
And that’s a shame. Games journalists should be cultivating an environment of honest, raw dialogue between opposing and therefore equally valid viewpoints. It’s time to embrace real diversity, and feast on real meat, ethically sourced from people who fall behind on their student loan payments.