Cliffy B Enters Fourth Hour Of Argument With McDonalds Drive-Thru Speaker Box

Visionary game development luminary Cliff “Cliffy B” Bleszinski is today ignoring frantic calls from his friends and loved ones to return home, as he remains locked in a heated argument with a drive-thru speaker box at his local McDonalds.

The confrontation, which began moments after Bleszinski pulled in, came about as a result of the cashier asking Bleszinski if he would like to upgrade his combo meal.

According to sources, Blezisnki immediately began to berate the speaker box, leaning out of his window to accuse the cashier of being a “hater and a troll” and warning them about the “epic clap back” that was about to come.

“I could easily purchase a larger meal, if I wanted,” sources report Bleszinski as saying. “I could upgrade my meal to this entire store. Do you want that? Is that what you want? Do you want me to purchase the whole fucking store? I’m Dude Huge, you piece of shit!”

Despite what observers describe as “increasingly urgent” requests to stop from his wife who was on speaker phone at the time, the creator of Chunky Chainsaw Boys made sure to tell the 15 year-old cashier exactly what the score was.

“You think I need to upgrade my meal? This kind of shit is why I am NEVER eating at McDonalds again,” explained Bleszinski, who by this time had fully stepped out of his vehicle and was holding the speaker-box close, like a lover.

“The last time I made a meal I didn’t even eat any of it myself. I don’t even need to eat. Do you hear that, you fuck? And the meal was delicious, despite what everyone says,” he added unnecessarily.

At the time of writing, the McDonalds store had closed for the night.

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